Tobacco Europe’s Statement to the Publication of the proposal for the revision of the Smoke and Aerosol Free Environments’ recommendation

Brussels, 17 September 2024

Download the statement here: 24.09.17 Tobacco Europe’s statement to the Publication of the Smoke- and Aerosol-Free Environments’ recommendation

On September 17, the outgoing Commission put forward a proposal for the revision of the non-legislative Council Recommendation on Smoke-Free Environments, just days after publishing the ‘Draghi’ Report to revamp European competitiveness.

Tobacco Europe considers that the inclusion of emerging products within the scope of the Recommendation lacks scientific basis and views the extension to open and semi-open areas (such as hospitality terraces) as disproportionate.

Tobacco Europe wrote to the Commission expressing concerns about the process. No evaluation was performed in line with the Better Regulation guidelines. No new impact assessment was conducted relying instead on the 2008 one, which did not cover emerging products and focused only on indoor spaces.

Additionally, the Commission had committed to publishing a ‘synopsis report’ summarizing stakeholders input at the conclusion of the consultation. Instead, it released the report simultaneously with the proposal denying us and +200 stakeholders the opportunity to assess how the input was considered ahead of the proposal.

Tobacco Europe wished the outgoing Commission had acted in transparency and in accordance with the principles of Better Regulations.

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