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Our goal is to offer reliable information to inform decision-makers and tackle false information. With a commitment to transparency and factual accuracy, we invite you to explore this tab to discover the most up-to-date statistics, trends, and key figures that shape the landscape of tobacco and nicotine products today.

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Economic footprint

Economic contributions of traditional tobacco and new nicotine products to the EU 27
The tobacco and new nicotine products industry’s economic footprint in the EU-27 is a significant contributor to the economy of the European Union and its communities: supporting over a million jobs across the value chain, creating value, generating a substantial GDP impact, and significantly contributing to public revenue through excise and VAT. As the industry is experiencing changes due to evolving consumer demand and regulation, Tobacco Europe and its members commissioned S&P Global a report to quantify the industry’s economic footprint in terms of jobs, sales activity, GDP, and wages at the Member State and aggregate EU-27 levels.
The key findings of the Study show that:
€151.3 billion
2.5% consumer expenditure
Consumers in the EU-27 spent €151.3 billion on traditional tobacco products and new nicotine products, representing about 2.5% of total EU-27 consumer expenditure.
1.5 million
1 out of every 130
Serving that consumer demand ultimately supported over 1.5 million jobs, meaning that 1 out of every 130 jobs in the EU-27 was supported by the tobacco industry.
€194.5 billion
GDP across
16th largest
in the EU
In 2021 only, the industry stimulated €194.5 billion in GDP across the EU-27. If embodied as an individual country, it would rank as the 16th largest in the EU.

The report also provides counterfactual analysis using traditional tobacco products sales and new nicotine products sales to share insights on how subtle changes in consumer preferences could affect the baseline economic indicators such as jobs and GDP:
A 5% decline in traditional tobacco product sales could put over 70,700 jobs at risk and lessen EU 27 GDP by 8,9 billion euros
A 5% decrease in new nicotine product sales could put at risk 6,800 jobs and lower EU-27 GDP by 854,3 million euros.
Considering the on-going transitions the industry is facing, this report’s findings can inform current and future dialogues on how to effectively navigate the transitions necessitated by shifts in consumer demand for traditional tobacco and new nicotine products. To further illustrate these findings, Tobacco Europe launched a micro-site aggregating the top-line contributions made by the traditional tobacco and new nicotine products to key economic indicators in 2021, both at EU and national levels. The micro-site with aggregated figures is available here.
Tobacco Europe has also developed factsheets with the EU aggregated figures that are free of use: to download them. For country figures’ factsheets, please reach out to Tobacco Europe.
Download the reports
Electronic cigarettes, often referred to as e-cigarettes or vaping devices, are battery-powered devices that vaporize a liquid solution known as e-liquid. E-cigarettes typically consist of a battery, an atomizer, and a cartridge or tank for the e-liquid. E-cigarettes are often used as an alternative to traditional tobacco cigarettes and are considered as a less harmful option due to the absence of tobacco combustion.

Educational Note Vaping Products
Heated tobacco products, also known as heat-not-burn products, are an alternative that aims to provide a tobacco experience with reduced harm compared to traditional cigarettes. These devices typically consist of a tobacco stick or cartridge containing processed tobacco, a heating element, and a battery. Unlike traditional cigarettes, which burn tobacco to produce smoke, heated tobacco products heat the tobacco at lower temperatures, which generates tobacco-flavored vapor or aerosol without combustion.
Nicotine pouches are smokeless, tobacco-free products designed to provide a nicotine delivery method without combustion or inhalation. They typically consist of small, pre-filled pouches or bags containing nicotine. Users place these pouches between their gum and upper lip, allowing the nicotine to be absorbed through the oral mucosa. They are often seen as an alternative to traditional tobacco products, offering a less harmful way to consume nicotine, as they do not involve the inhalation of smoke or the use of tobacco. They must not be mistaken for “snus”, which are tobacco pouches and banned within the European Union with the exception of Sweden.
Combustible tobacco is a product that involves the burning of tobacco, releasing smoke that is then inhaled by the user. The combustion process produces a mixture of chemicals, including nicotine, and generates smoke that contains harmful substances, such as tar and carbon monoxide. The most common examples of combustible tobacco products include cigarettes (the most prevalent form of combustible tobacco) and rolling tobacco for instance.

The combustion of tobacco is associated with health risks, including an increased likelihood of developing lung cancer, heart disease, respiratory problems, and other serious health conditions. Public health campaigns often focus on reducing the use of combustible tobacco products and encouraging smokers to quit or switch to less harmful alternatives, such as nicotine replacement therapies or non-combustible tobacco and nicotine products like smokeless tobacco or electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes or vapes).

On the industry:

Myths or reality

The industry does not play by the rules
Tobacco Europe companies comply with all laws and regulations governing our products and industry, including the Framework Convention for Tobacco Control. Should you wish to learn more about article 5.3, please click here.

Tobacco Europe and its members are legitimate, transparent and accountable stakeholders in European regulatory debates – in the same way other companies and stakeholders are. Tobacco Europe believes that the tobacco industry is an integral partner of the EU institutions when it comes to tobacco-related legislation in the EU.
New products are less harmful than combustibles
The question of whether new nicotine products are less harmful than conventional products is a
complex and debated topic. Many experts agree that certain alternative nicotine delivery systems, like
e-cigarettes, have the potential to be less harmful than traditional combustible tobacco products, and
this is due to the fact that they don’t involve the combustion of tobacco: Most of the harm from
smoking is from the tar and carbon monoxide which are not found in NNPs. Nicotine from NNPs is
delivered much more slowly and at lower levels than from smoking.
The industry targets young people and minors
There are concerns about the increasing use of new nicotine products, particularly among youth. Nicotine, even without the combustion of tobacco, is an addictive substance, and the use of these products by young people raises concerns about addiction and potential long-term health effects.

Tobacco Europe, and the companies it represents, strongly believe that children and minors should not smoke and should not be able to obtain tobacco products. As such, they apply to new nicotine products the same principles that exist for combustibles: Tobacco Europe companies do not market or sell their products to minors, they actively work to support retailers to enforce these principles and support regulatory measures that effectively block minors’ ability to obtain cigarettes and nicotine products.
Nicotine is addictive
Yes, nicotine is known to be addictive. Nicotine addiction is a complex process that involves the brain's reward system. When nicotine is inhaled or absorbed into the bloodstream, it stimulates the release of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, which is associated with pleasure and reward.
Nicotine is not risk free as it is addictive, but it is not toxic at the levels found in legal tobacco and nicotine products, which is why the sale of any nicotine product should be age restricted.
Almost all the harm from smoking comes from the thousands of other chemicals in tobacco smoke, many of which are toxic.Nicotine does not cause lung cancer. Scientific evidence shows that nicotine is not a carcinogen, and that nicotine exposure does not increase the risk of developing cancer.
Tobacco derived nicotine is an approved active ingredient in Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) products, available with or without prescription around the world.
Repeated exposure to nicotine can lead to the development of tolerance, where individuals may need higher amounts of nicotine to experience the same effects. However, nicotine is not the sole harmful component of tobacco smoke.
Smoking is a major risk factor for various health issues, including heart disease, respiratory diseases, and various types of cancer.
New Nicotine Products (NNPs) do not involve combustion, therefore they represent a unique opportunity to reduce the harm related to the consumption of nicotine and contribute to the Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan objectives by significantly reducing the harm from smoking and helping people quit smoking.
The industry condemns bans for commercial purposes only
Tobacco Europe believes bans are not an efficient measure to ensure products are enjoyed the right way by the right population at the right time. Bans usually generate illicit trade of products which rarely comply with regulations, and especially with youth access regulation. Such products can be dangerous for the consumers or can be sold to the wrong people. If products were regulated, sold by responsible companies and controlled by the authorities, illicit channels would be less lucrative and less present, and there would be fewer shares of the market for dangerous products.
Tobacco Europe AISBL Avenue de Cortenbergh, 120 B - 1000 Bruxelles
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